Zoe weighed in at the doctor's office yesterday at 8 lbs and 8 ounces. That's up from 7 pounds, 4 ounces from mid-July, and almost to her older brother's birth weight!
Jen and I go back to those days when she was 4 lbs, something, and one doctor was suggesting that maybe we feed her whatever she wants to eat, since maybe that was her body's way of dealing with her Trisomy. RIIIIIGHT.
We're still dealing with a baby who needs special help and lots of attention. But we're also dealing with a real life, someone who shows no sign of going anywhere.
Excellent news! I'm cheering for little Zoe down here in Racine.
Nice one Zoe! keep up the good work for your mum and Dad ;0) Barb, Melb. Australia