Anonymous said...
At what point do you hand this over to God?
- Answer: My sincere hope is that you see everywhere on this blog a mom and a dad and a family that have been constantly turning this over to God.
We need God. We need Him desperately. And I hope you see that in all the things we talk about and write, we are broken people living in a broken world, all of which needs God.
Sometimes, with His help, we assemble a few broken pieces and see how they might have fit together. I see a culture that has decided to throw away life. And I feel like I'm stepping into the gap, answering God's call to decide if our culture is right or wrong in its current stance. Frankly, letting you all know about Kathleen and what's happening and what I think...I feel that's my obligation.
For Kathleen, I am confident she has been turning this over to God with every breath. Turning it over and waiting for His guidance and His plan. Sometimes we are called to act. Sometimes to wait.
If what we've been writing appears faithless and Godless, I apologize and will try harder to show how big a role God has played in who I am and why Zoe is alive.
There are so many thoughts rambling around in my head and heart about this post, and my comment here will not have the polish and grace required either.
ReplyDeleteThese precious babies are all in Gods hands and never leave them, ever. We are just stewards of these lives he trusts to us and are expected to make wise and responsible decisions for them with His help. Termination is not His choice. He is the Creator of everything good, always. Just as we are to be good stewards of the money he provides us with, the earth we live in, He gives and expects us to make wise choices. I see His hand in every decision you make for Zoe's precious life, it is what He expects and I am so blessed you are stepping into the gap. I have learned so much following so many moms of Trisomy babies and God has given me a heart for you and Zoe. I find it amazing that if you were to let Zoe sit in a corner and do nothing for her until she died, you would be charged in her death. Yet they encourage termination or no intervention at birth. What is wrong with our society?? Choosing to follow God in your situation has not been a picnic for you by any means. You have been wonderfully flawed stewards in this life, allowing so many of us the joy of falling in love with Zoe. What you post is full of faith and full of God, and human. What more could anyone ask of you if you are following God? Nothing!
I am sorry this is so all over the place but it makes me crazy when these babies are viewed as worthless when their Creator does not make mistakes. These babies teach us so much because of people like you who choose life and everything that comes with that choice. All life matters and is the only thing that matters. I am praying for Kathleen and for Pastor Shane who have chosen life for their babies created by God. Don't change for others Greg and Jen, keep writing honestly as you have been, it lets us know what to pray for in your life.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
I think Zoe's existance and the love that your family clearly has for her shows that you HAVE turned it over to God. She is an amazing little girl, she is definately here for a reason.
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks for Kathleen and her unborn baby. I cannot believe that the doctors will refuse her treatment if they want it done. :(
Do you think that perhaps the poster meant that it must be a hard decision for a parent to make as to when to intervene medically, and when to turn it over completely to God? I cannot imagine from that thought that the poster mean you appear faithless and Godless. But that is what is so hard about print - people take meaning that often is not as it was intended.
ReplyDeleteI think that sometimes the biggest step in anyone's faith walk is then one that takes you to the decision not to medically intervene, except to get on your knees and ask God for His will to be done. Sometimes doctors take that step - and fall to their knees - before the parents are able.