
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Semper Reformandi

Recent back and forth discussions with Keaton and further talks with Bat, Christa and Deirdre show that we're all wondering where the Church and our churches are headed. There is no doubt that this is a moment of change. Barack Obama's church has 8,500 members. Willow Creek Church has 10,000 members. Two Ozaukee County LCMS churches total over 6,000 members combined.

BNS notes a lot of dread about a shift towards these large congregations, how they're governed, and what their goals are. Recently the head of Willow Creek Church apologized after he studied his own massive church population.

Some of this change is beyond our control. But how we govern the change, and how we make sure we're leading a flock efficaciously and as Christ would, should be the focus of church leaders at Willow Creek, St. Louis and everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. I'm down. That takes guts to say. I hope they get back on track and focusing on Christ.

    Here's a question: how should we govern our churches? Not the pastoring (they're not the administrators), but the church government. Old guys with big glasses running voter's meetings... how should that work?

    More to the point: liberals like a big government that does everything for you. Is that something the church should be?



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