
Thursday, July 17, 2008


Some things just wear on you. I know the hours and hours of deprived sleep are wearing on us both - more Jen than me, because she's up more than me. Zoe just isn't making it even two consecutive hours in a row at night.

I know we're all trying to figure out rides and sitters and how to work our way through our summer schedule. we had suspended the schedule until recently, when we realized that Zoe has no intention of going anywhere. So as we look ahead at a busy July, a busier August, and then school...we have some thinking and figuring and praying to do.

Zoe's here...and we're learning to live and go on and plan with her.

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful that Zoe is here with you and she is showing you her plans to stick around. I am so sorry for the sleep deprivation, that is such a tough one to manage. I am praying for that for both you and Jen and for your schedule to work itself out for you. Remember, you can always do what you don't like to do, and that is ask for and accept help.:) I am sure there are many people close to you that would be blessed to help. I am too far away but I can pray for you.

    Laurie in Ca.



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