
Monday, August 11, 2008

Blessed Are The Poor Part II

Last night was another long night for Zoe. She just doesn't do well at night. Sometime, at like 3 or 4, I heard her gasp four times in a row.

I jumped across the bed towards her and then she burst into tears. Whatever had happened to her had scared her, too.

I couldn't stop crying. I kept just begging God for her life. Just begging Him for mercy on her.

Blessed are the poor, Jesus says, for yours is the kingdom of God. He isn't promising us a kingdom here. Just promising us that He knows the ending, and that the ending is His. But it's a little like if you offered a two year old a quarter and held it up - or a billion dollars. The two year old would take what he sees. How can I wrap my brain around a billion dollars or the Kingdom of God?

Izzi came back from a week-long ropes course, and she showed me this Bible verse she learned that she said is her absolute favorite: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

I have no special gifts in all of this. I'm just a destitute father begging for his daughter's life. I pray for the peace and wisdom to see the Kingdom and the blessing and reward my daughters - plural - have waiting for them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Greg, my first instinct is to say that I am sorry. I know that it does not help you at all, but what I mean is if I could take any of your sadness and fear away I would.
    So I turn to the LORD and ask him to relieve you and your family, but most importantly Zoe of any pain and uncomfortable feelings she is having.
    At times I am not satisfied without physically doing something, but God is doing that for me.
    I think and pray for you constantly!
    Love to you all,



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