
Monday, March 17, 2008

Pledging Allegiance To Black Leadership, Blah Blah Blah

Even though those rascals over at Trinity United Church of Christ( the Church that Obama only attended when they shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ but didn't attend when they were being racists) removed this webpage from their site, it's still on the ol' web archive.

BNS thinks Obama might have only read this particular page of his church's website when it was not racist.


  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    frankly i find nothing offensive about the content of the web page in question except for number 11 which states "Pledge allegiance to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System." i would not pledge allegiance (and indeed do not) to anything other than Jehovah.

    i don't see anything racist about this page and i think that speaks to how you and i define "racism." i see it as viewing one so-called "race" as superior to another and practising discrimination based on that view. does a race-based focus equal racism? only if there is an implied hierarchy of 'races' paired with discrimination. in my mind this whole issue (theological missteps aside for the moment) is a great big "who cares."

    is barack obama proud of his african heritage? good for him. there's a ukranian church down the street from my house which holds its services in ukranian and is involved in supporting political action in the former soviet union. are they racist? they love their culture and ethnicity. so what? does it get in the way of some magical 'unity of all people'? maybe. probably. but again - so what?

  2. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Ukranian = Black American. Okey dokey. Ukranians are from the Ukraine.

    Black Americans are from...America. And so where their parents and grandparents. And if they weren't, if they were people of color from....say, the Bahamas, or Australia or Africa...they share nothing with the others at that church besides the color of their skin and the color of their skin.

    Dan, what is the black work ethic? Does it differ from the white work ethic? Is it better than the white work ethic? Honestly, there may be a Ukrainian work ethic as defined in the Ukraine, but where do black people define theirs?

    You're white (I think). So you must work with a white work ethic. What if I asked you to work like a black man?

    I know you're trying to cover for your guy, but accept the fact that for 20 years, he went to haven for dvisiveness and race-based separatism.

    Try replacing all the "black" words on the web page with "white" and posting it at your church. See how that makes you or your church feel.



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