
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dollar Dance

Last night we attended our friend Mandi's wedding reception. She had told me she was going to do the traditional Dollar Dance, but that the dollars would go to Zoe. My first reaction was to tell her not to do it...that it was her reception. But it was Mandi's kindness that could not be denied.

We keep encountering that kindness everywhere. It's a blessing, a reminder of the beauty we all have inside of us somewhere.

Today we went to get formula and the lady commented on how much it costs. Only two thoughts ran through my head, neither which she could understand: 1) I'm glad I'm buying formula at all; and 2) I'm paying for literal mother's milk with kindness.

As Jen said at the Robbie concert, Zoe's breathing God's air. And she's eating manna.


  1. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Many years ago, when we were first married and the kids were babies and we were dirt poor.....a lady from church helped us clean and pack.

    I struggled very much with it. Finally, I broke down, "Just WHY are you helping us?" I suspiciously asked. "Because when I help you, the Lord helps me," she answered.

    I didn't understand this back then. She was a very wealthy and educated woman. How could helping us help her? I was so confused. But since, I have learned that there is a time to give and a time to receive. Now is your time to receive. Somewhere down the road, you will be in the position to give whatever that may mean.

  2. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Just wanted to say hello. I enjoy your blog very much and I usually tear up when I read your entries. I think you guys are just amazing. I have a child with a very rare syndrome, so many of the things you write may hit closer to home with me than with someone else. I, too, am happy to be buying overpriced items for my son. My husband and I were a year ahead of Jen in high school. We will continue to check on Zoe daily.

    Lots of love from Jen (Snell), Jeremy & Jacob Schultz



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