
Friday, May 02, 2008


Church last night was a festival of music from wave after wave of choirs. The most fascinating part of the night was our congregational response to the choirs. If the singers were kids, we applauded heartily. If the choir was comprised of adults, there was a latent moment of silence followed by an uncomfortable silence as the choir filed back to their pews.

Which instinct was wrong? The one to applaud children or the one to not applaud adults?

Well, some of you might posit, we can't have a service filled with applause. To which I'd answer...why? What are we afraid of? Is God displeased with applause?


  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    OK, so here's my viewpoint. Children can be very cute. And it is such a joy to witness children singing their faith. Beautiful music is one of God's ways of communication, something that can reach directly to our hearts and fill us with unchecked praise, regardless of who is singing to Him. And sometimes that response may come in an applause...but to whom is the applause directed? Applause is usually a form of props for the person who has just performed. Should that happen in a worship setting? I guess, if there is applause, it should be for God, not people. I know, I know, the kids are cute. But is the applause because they are so cute, or because we are so moved by their expression of faith that we applaud the God who gave them the voices, the faith, and the cuteness? (maybe the adults who sang at your church just weren't as cute...) Many times I am uncomfortable with the applause in church because it feels more like we are just responding to a performance rather than taking part in worship where God alone should be the focus. Yes, and Jim and I didn't kiss in the church at our wedding, either. Amen, brother.

  2. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I've always been interestd in people's feelings about applause in church. I think God just smiles at us debating it down here...



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