
Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday Nuggets

Tasty nuggets for blog consumption -

1) Turn your praying eyes north to Luxemburg, where Bat and Christa are encountering their share of trial, stress, and ignorance. It's obvious to me that Zoe is in my life so that I don't start calling area rental places for a flamethrower.

2) Bat and Christa. Married 50 years on June 15. It's a celebration begging for Bat to lead lookers-on in the "Electric Slide."

3) Cale was confirmed a few Sundays back. Cale is Renee's son and Renee sent pictures which will go up here really really soon.

4) Teia, Isabel and Kellen are done with school. Grades to follow, but we're glad we made the finish line.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I cannot believe how old your children are. I am honored to be their NANA. Through all the trials they have been through and are going through, they have shown their faith. I know that everyone questions, but they know who to go to and when to go to HIM!! Greg, I guess I can thank you for showing your children the importance of JESUS! Whether you know this or not, you are a wonderful father!
    Love you,



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