
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Zoe Update -Our 3 Week Old

Happy three week birthday, everyone!

Zoe continues to act and behave a normal kid. She hasn't used her eating tube in four or five days, because she's eating everything through her mouth via a bottle. She eats in excess of her required 38 cc per feeding, each feeding. She's doing all the things babies do, including getting spoiled by her mom.

When she's awake, she looks around. Last night I was sitting with her face down on my chest, but she didn't want to sit that way. So she started flopping her head around so she could see.

While Zoe does bear some symptoms of trisomy 18, including her middle finger pressed against her palm and an occasional tendency for her eyes to roll back, I'm not sure if you all could tell that she looks like much else besides a little tiny baby. But, she has trisomy 18 in each of her cells,'s a link to show what that means.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Zoe! We love you and pray for you daily!



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