
Friday, April 04, 2008

Family Friday

For this moment, Friday night, all is as it should be. "Enchanted" on DVD. Zoe in Jen's arms and Selah leaning her head on Kellen as he played PSP and peeked up now and then. Izzi bouncing between watching and talking to Michael on the phone. Elise made it through the first hour. The boys watching intently, studying and measuring the movie. Teia and I sharing the end of the sofa, a little swept away by it all.

After the movie, Teia and I talked about how deceiving the night was. Peaceful. The worst spectre was an evil queen with magical powers, far far away in some fairy tale.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:23 AM

    That, you might say, is the 'Peace that passes all understanding'. I felt it the night Jim had his heart attack. It is real peace, and feel no guilt about experiencing it in this storm -it is a gift to you from our Lord and Savior, directly from His heart to yours.

    May you all continue to experience this gift, and know the Strength only God can give.



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