
Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday Random Thoughts

Friday has always represented my biggest random thought day. ode to the disorganized brain:

1. Zoe was up most of last night. Nothing sickly or frightening, just up. Big eyes searching around. They're turning bluer and bluer.

1.5 Last week Jen emailed me to tell me that Zoe said "Goo." I thought this was impossible, but I heard it my ownself a few nights ago. So to you all, "Goo."

2. I'm the kind of dad who likes to play with his kids, kinda poke and tickle them and whisper to them and watch them react. Ok, i'm teasing them. I am. So, i put my lips on Zoe's head and speak in a low voice to get her to react, and...nothing. NOTHING. But all it takes is Jen to kind of speak in a speaking tone anywhere in the room, and Z starts looking around.

3. Jen's birthday is coming up on may 16. She turns 30.

4. This article I found on Dan's blog melds nicely with this news item (no, that's not a verse) which melds nicely with my friend's request to make sure and publish zackly what Bible verse I'm quoting here at the blog. Basically, we're all pretenders when it comes to the Bible. There are some of you out there sure you don't agree with the Bible because of a verse you think is in it. There are some of us who think the Bible is giving you advice it isn't. And there are some of us who vaguely know something about something in the Bible....but not sure where...

5. Selah and I realized Zoe would easily fit in her doll bed. A lot of personality in a little kid.

6. You guys know what a fan of Robbie Seay I am and I'm trying to stay cool about how kind he has been to me and Zoe and everything. I just love his music and lyrics and his heart for worship. I know how it has not just moved me but people who never would have listened to music like that. Do yourself a favor - and my friend Robbie a favor - and listen to a song like Go Outside or New Day. I sang this to Zoe in the hospital and still do...Better days and a better place I know.

7. Pray for Zoe's brothers and sisters. Some are struggling with grades. Some are struggling with how often they're seeing their family. Some are struggling with some pretty big developments.

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