
Monday, December 08, 2008

Zoe and the Hazy Lung **Updated

It's a sequel. In Zoe and the Heart Surgery, Zoe faced unknown foes and a strategy of speed, using raw courage and strength to breathe and stay alive.

In this episode, Zoe faces an old nemesis - something in her right lung. One nurse called it "collapsed" in the upper right lobe. Infection? Cultures don't bear that out. What is it and what is going on? Will our hero defeat the unknown even if it LURKS IN HER OWN BODY?

**Dr. Frommelt snuck in to discuss my/our observations of Zoe's progress. She was particularly interested in the success of a different group of medicines used to calm her down. She was excited to find out that Zoe was extubated and explained that reinflating the upper right lobe is a common issue for little kids because of its location.

The collapsed lung attracts fluid which welcomes infection. While one does not cause the other, they are often seen together.

Dr. Frommelt says that with time, different positioning (something unattainable during extubation), and just increased strength, Zoe should be able to reinflate the lung. ***

Tune in. We're waiting for rounds in about an hour.

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