
Friday, November 21, 2008

Pray For Ted

Iain's dad and my brother at work, Ted, was rushed to the hospital today for emergency surgery on his eye. Ted is out of surgery and will be lying on his stomach for a number of weeks while he recuperates.

I don't know much more but please pray for our friend and brother, who has been a light to many.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:56 AM

    thanks for the prayers Greg
    I met with the surgeon yesterday and he said things went well during the surgery and that my eye is healing well, I have an air bubble in my eye and have to keep my head down for three weeks to ensure that the retina heals properly then another week upright. Anyway thanks again for the thoughts and prayers. And no matter what happens, I still believe we have all been incredibly blessed by God. I hope the move goes well. Talk to you soon,




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